Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"Mercy Death" 
In October 1939 Hitler ordered the killing of all mentally disabled and handicapped people. This order was code named " Aktion T4". Euthanasia was first carried out on infants and children with birth defects. The decision to kill these people were made totally by the Doctors and physicians. There were no medical test done, just questionaires. From 1939 to 1945 more than 5,000 boys and girls were killed in state hospitals and clinics. Patients were sterilized and/or killed if they showed symptoms of schizophrenia, epilepsy, senile disorders, therapy resistant paralysis and syphilitic diseases, retardation, encephalitis, Huntington's chorea and other neurological conditions, and much more. A total of six killing centers were created for the disposal of these people, including the infamous Hadamar.

Buses used to transport patients to Hadamar euthanasia center. The windows were painted to prevent people from seeing the patients inside. 


Eugenics is a pseudo-science that was created in Long Island, New York but adopted by the German government after the loss of World War I. Eugenics or "racial hygiene" (euphemistic term), spread the idea that  by keeping the "unfit" alive to reproduce was only a waste of money. Modern medicine interfered with natural selection or survival of the fittest. A concept created by Charles Darwin that applied to the animal and plant world. Soon the Nazi party included eugenics in their party platform. When the Nazi regime took power over Germany, of course they continued to use the science of Eugenics. 
" Our starting point is not the individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked... our objectives are entirely different: We must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world." - Joseph Goebbles (1938)

Doctor Josef Mengele

Born in Germany on March 16, 1911, Josef Mengele is most notable for his work in the death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Menegel was known as the angel of death because as new prisoners arrived at Auschwitz Mengele chose who would move on to do forced labor and who would go to their death. His guidelines for selection are still unknown. Mengele is also notorious for the human experiments he performed during the Holocaust.
His experiments include testings of:
-Freezing/ Hypothermia
-Infectious Diseases
-Interrogation and Torture
-Killing/ Genocide
-High Altitude
-Traumatic Injuries

" Cold water immersion experiment at Dachau concentration camp presided over by Professor Holzlohner (left) and Dr. Raccher (right). This subject is wearing  a luftwaffe garment. Not the floating blocks of ice."